The Role of the PMA - a Message from the Chair

The PMA Board will be meeting on 25th September to discuss a number of issues, but in particular what exactly is our role and where do we currently stand as an association to support the sector. It is a meeting that is long overdue and was instaigated by one colleague who asked the very question – for those who have paid £50, what exactly are we getting for the subscription.

Subscription rates are low in numbers and it is hard work getting people to sign up. Corporate members are low. Our resources are incredibly limited – its all done in volunteer time and we all work. The Lottery turned down our bid for a full time resource and there is a reluctance to re-apply to be turned down again. NLHF are becoming more risk averse these days. The sector remains disparate and not connected. We attempted to bring organisations together such as the Landscape Institute, Fields In Trust, GMA, Chartered Institute of Horticulture. My last email out to all, to over 1,000 colleagues illicited 3 responses. We have had many successes over the 5 years we established the PMA and certainly, we are established as a name and body, but what next?

Do we continue? Is this what we are now – a medium of sharing information? Do we continue to seek a resource to establish a full time staff resource to develop the PMA, not just administrative but to grow it as a membership driven association? At the end of the day it comes down to 2 issues – 1) do people want it and value it and 2) funding.

It will be an interesting meeting, and once the new MHCLG group is up and running, we will be making it absolutely clear, there has to be support for those working in the sector in some form.

I will keep you posted.

Paul Rabbitts – Chair PMA